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We will continue to develop clean energy such as hydropower, wind power and solar power

Release Time:2019-11-22

Li keqiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, premier of the State Council and head of the national leading group on climate change, energy conservation and emission reduction, chaired a meeting of the leading group. Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, vice premier of the State Council and deputy head of the national leading group on climate change, energy conservation and emission reduction attended the meeting.

As the world's largest developing country, China's development remains unbalanced and inadequate, li said. We will continue to work tirelessly to ensure that we deliver on our commitment to the international community to peak and substantially reduce carbon dioxide emissions around 2030. At the same time, we are willing to work together with the international community, adhere to the principle of common but differentiated responsibility principle, fair principle and their ability, strengthen cooperation and jointly safeguard the United Nations framework convention on climate change, the Paris agreement and its implementing rules, promote the multilateral negotiations on climate change fully embody the developing countries, to promote global climate governance to develop in the direction of a more fair and reasonable, win-win cooperation.

In recent years, China has made remarkable progress in addressing climate change, energy conservation and emission reduction. The intensity of carbon dioxide emissions will continue to decrease, the share of non-fossil energy consumption will gradually increase, the installed power capacity of renewable energy will account for 30 percent of the world's total, and new forest stock will be added ahead of schedule. The discharge of major pollutants dropped significantly, and the quality of the ecological environment continued to improve.

Lin boqiang, director of the China energy policy research institute at xiamen university, told China business news that energy conservation and emission reduction are in the same direction as tackling climate change.

We will take multiple measures to make breakthroughs in key areas

Li said at the meeting, under the new situation, new era to adhere to xi jinping, the Chinese characteristic socialism as the instruction, according to the requirement to promote the development of high quality, the overall planning for economic and social development and climate change, energy conservation and emissions reduction work, promote the optimization of economic structure, promote the old and new kinetic energy conversion, mining and energy saving potential, speed up the formation of the development of green low carbon cycle industry system, strengthening the construction of ecological civilization, determined to play good pollution control to be completed, promote the sustainable and healthy economic and social development, and for the global response to climate change challenges continue to make due contributions.

We will focus on key areas, vigorously promote clean industrial production, energy conservation and emission reduction in transportation, promote energy-saving building renovation in combination with the renovation of old urban residential areas, and continue to develop clean energy sources such as hydropower, wind power and solar power, li said. We will continue to upgrade coal-fired power plants and iron and steel plants to achieve ultra-low emissions, ensure that all industrial furnaces meet standards for discharge, and move faster to fill in gaps in infrastructure such as sewage and garbage treatment. We will intensify efforts to save energy, reduce emissions, and reduce carbon emissions for all.

From the perspective of energy structure, accelerating the rapid development of production and consumption of clean energy will strongly promote the construction of a clean and low-carbon green energy system, and promote climate change, energy conservation and emission reduction to see tangible results.

In terms of clean energy, by the end of 2018, China had installed 352 million kilowatts of hydropower (including pumped storage), with about 91 million kilowatts under construction and an annual generating capacity of 1.23 trillion KWH. Installed wind power capacity is 184 million kw, with an annual output of 366 billion KWH, and installed solar power capacity is 174 million kw, with an annual output of 177.5 billion KWH. China's installed capacity of hydropower, wind power and photovoltaic power generation ranks first in the world.

As for the focus of clean energy development, zheng shengan, President of the general institute of hydropower planning and design, said that the potential of conventional hydropower development in the future is mainly concentrated in the southwest of China, and it is necessary to further promote the coordinated development of hydropower development and environmental protection. The planning and construction of wind power base is progressing in an orderly manner, the investment layout is continuously optimized, and the development of distributed wind power is constantly promoted. In the future, it is necessary to further promote the progress of wind power industry and accelerate the realization of parity online. The cost of photovoltaic power generation has dropped significantly, distributed photovoltaic power generation is developing rapidly, and the trend of diversified utilization of photovoltaic power generation is increasingly significant. In the future, efforts should be made to promote industrial development to improve quality and efficiency, photovoltaic poverty alleviation and affordable Internet access.

We will use market-based means to promote energy conservation and emission reduction

Li also stressed the need to develop and strengthen energy conservation and environmental protection industries, improve the efficiency of energy conservation and emission reduction, and foster new growth areas. We will accelerate breakthroughs in key technologies in the clean energy and low-carbon sectors, strengthen the manufacturing of equipment for energy conservation and emission reduction, and vigorously implement services for managing energy conservation and emission reduction contracts. We will encourage the government and other public institutions to implement a compulsory procurement system for energy-efficient products.

Energy conservation and emission reduction contract management service is an effective means to promote energy conservation and emission reduction through marketization. Under the contract energy management mechanism, professional energy saving service companies sign energy saving service contracts with energy saving units, provide corresponding energy saving services according to customers' actual needs, and collect part of customers' energy saving income as the corresponding service fee, so as to achieve a win-win situation.

Lin boqiang told China business news that the meeting proposed to "vigorously promote energy conservation and emission reduction contract management services" is expected to truly improve China's energy contract management mechanism and promote the development of energy conservation and emission reduction.

"International experience shows that the development of contract energy management is inseparable from the policy support and industrial guidance of the government. After all, China energy saving service company is still a growing industry and lacks relatively mature industry standards, such as service standards, energy saving testing and identification methods, and contract specifications. The government needs to establish and improve regulations, which will be an important support for the development of contract energy management models." Lin boqiang said.

In addition, Lin boqiang suggested that large domestic enterprises could also consider setting up energy-saving service companies for the group.

Lin boqiang analyzes that the motivation of contract energy management is win-win (multi-win) and energy saving, and cooperation forms can be various. When contract energy management has not developed into an industry, the concern should be not in what form it appears, but whether it can achieve substantial results in energy conservation. The advantage of large enterprises lies in their overall strength, which can solve the problems of credibility and financing. These enterprises can assign tedious energy saving work to their subordinate energy saving service companies, which can not only serve the group's business, but also undertake energy saving projects outside the group. They can not only train the team and train talents, but also summarize excellent management experience in the projects.

Marketization is an effective measure to promote energy conservation and emission reduction. Li said more efforts should be made to use economic policies, regulations and standards to mobilize the internal initiative of all sectors to save energy and reduce emissions. We will improve pricing mechanisms for promoting green development, and promote successful experience in desulfurization and denitrification of electricity prices. We will increase support for green finance. We will implement preferential tax policies for promoting energy conservation and emission reduction. We will accelerate the establishment of markets for trading energy, pollution and carbon emission rights. We will build a long-term mechanism for conserving energy and reducing emissions.

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