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    Civilian post 5 Place

    Job Description:

    1. Handled the related clerical affairs of the department; 2. Coordinate with relevant departments; 3. Data entry and sorting.

    Job Requirements:

    1. College degree or above, excellent fresh graduates are acceptable; 2. Familiar with Excel and Word related office software; 3, work carefully and steadfast, active, a strong sense of responsibility.

    文职岗 5 Place

    Job Description:

    1、处理部门相关文职事宜; 2、与相关部门人员对接协调; 3、资料录入与整理。

    Job Requirements:

    1、大专及以上学历,可接受优秀应届毕业生; 2、熟悉Excel、Word相关办公软件; 3、工作仔细踏实,积极主动,责任心强。
