Chairman's speech

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Dear colleagues from all circles and all employees in East China:

Hello everyone!

On the occasion of the New Year's Day, on behalf of Tibet East China Hydropower Equipment Co., Ltd., I would like to extend my greetings and sincere wishes to all the colleagues from all circles who care about and support Tibet East China and to all the hard-working employees of Tibet East China !

Looking back in the year of 2019, which is the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, is the key year to win the first centenary goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, China's development is stable and positive. 2019 is also a year for Tibet Autonomous Region to fully implement the spirit of the Ninth Party Congress and the Economic Work Conference of the Party Committee of Tibet Autonomous Region and further promote the construction of a healthy Tibet. Under the strong leadership of the Party Committee and the government of the autonomous region, all sectors in Tibet have worked together to overcome difficulties and create a new situation in their work.

In 2019, under the guidance of the Party and the state, with the care and support of the Party Committee and the government of the autonomous region, with the full support of people from all circles, and with the concerted efforts of all employees of Tibet East China, our company has made progress in a stable and smooth way. While adhering to the principle of rooting in Tibet and serving Tibet, Tibet East China actively responds to President Xi Jinping's "Belt and Road" initiative and focuses on the going out strategy. In June 2019, Tibet East China has registered and established Sino East Hydropower Equipment Pvt. Ltd. in Nepal. The business scope of the company is to manufacture complete equipment in hydropower stations, power transmission and transformation projects. The launching ceremony of China-Nepal Industrial Park was held in mid October 2019, and Sino East Hydropower Equipment Pvt. Ltd. obtained an area of 200 mu in the planned plot for the production base in China Nepal Industrial Park. This event opens a new chapter for the overseas market development of Tibet East China Hydropower Equipment Co., Ltd.

At the same time, Tibet East China continued to strengthen the construction of enterprise internal control management system, gave full play to the leading and driving role of Party organizations, to provide a strong spiritual impetus and ideological organization guarantee for the reform and development of enterprises. In 2019, Tibet East China focused on clean energy, new energy, plateau power research and testing, expanded business segments, extended upstream and downstream industrial chains of enterprises, and gradually formed strategic cooperation with a number of domestic well-known universities and manufacturers, so as to lay a good foundation for enterprise to achieve leapfrog development.

Based on the top of the world, the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, with the belief that to be beneficial to the people and to be responsible to the society, Tibet East China will use science and technology to seek for green and protect the ecology, so as to perceive the Holy Land and cherish the gifts of heaven. Pursuing dreams and forging ahead to beautiful blueprint, we will never forget the original intention to enrich the people and to flourish Tibet! The year of 2019 is about to end, we will work together to create brilliant future on the journey to the year of 2020! Wish our great motherland prosperous! Wish Tibet East China a prosperous future! Wish you all good health, progress in work, a happy life and a happy family in the New Year!

Thank you!


Zheng Yueqiu

Chairman of Tibet East China Hydropower Equipment Co., Ltd.

December 31, 2019
