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Hydropower technical standards "go out" shortfalls to be filled

Release Time:2019-11-22

At present, the exploration, design and construction level of China's hydropower industry are all leading in the world. However, hydropower technology labeling "going out" still faces many shortcomings such as standard system, system mechanism and consulting ability. China will complete the translation and publication of hydropower technical standards in 2022, a reporter has learned in an interview. By then, hydropower "go out" will have a strong standard support.

It is understood that China officially released the results of the finalized standard system in Chinese and English in a timely manner, in order to enable foreign institutions and enterprises to fully understand the development of China's hydropower technology standards, and accelerate China's hydropower technology standard system and international standards.

■ low international recognition

China's lack of a standard foreign version of the hydropower technical standards, leading to the hydropower standards in the international recognition is low, coupled with the system and mechanism and other problems, seriously restrict the hydropower technical standards "sea".

It is known that in the mature hydropower industry standard system in foreign countries, management standards account for a relatively small proportion, involving social security, environmental protection, competition rules in the industry and other major provisions are mostly issued by government departments in the form of laws, regulations or guidance.

"The western and eu standard systems are mainly based on structures, geotechnical engineering, equipment functions, environmental protection and so on." A person involved in the development of hydropower industry standard system introduced, and China's hydropower industry standard system according to the former Soviet union model according to professional classification, management standards accounted for a relatively large.

"The process of preparing foreign hydropower technical standards covers a wider range, with some standards covering the main links of project implementation, such as survey, design, construction and testing. The USACE, for example, integrates the various specialties involved in hydropower into a comprehensive standard." The person said that the Chinese standards used by Chinese enterprises in foreign hydropower projects include national standards GB, energy standards NB, power standards DL, water resources standards SL, measurement standards (JJF, JJG) and hydropower standards SD, which are not comprehensive and systematic.

Hydropower technical standard for the system to solve the problem, our country launched in 2015, China's hydropower technology standards internationalization research, water and electricity technology standard according to the survey of "going out", building design, construction and operation maintenance of the whole life cycle, prepare the content is more detailed than foreign technology standards, more professional, more complete professional categories. "However, although there are many standard contents of 'going global' for hydropower technology in China, the description is too principled and lacks necessary principle elaboration." The above person said bluntly that overseas hydropower projects are mainly construction projects, and there are too few samples of projects related to operation and maintenance. For example, the two overseas projects acquired by the three gorges group are operated, and there is no operation and maintenance practice.

Li li long management into the key constraints

Experts in the hydropower industry agree that the fundamental reason for the low recognition of China's hydropower technical standards "going global" lies in the restriction of system and mechanism. Due to the change of the management organization of the hydropower industry for many times and other factors, the standardized management system and mechanism of the hydropower industry lags behind for a long time.

A person familiar with the matter, who did not want to be named, told reporters that from the perspective of the management authorities, the planning and design, equipment, construction and other standardization technical committees belong to different management agencies, and the secretariat of the standardization technical committee is divided into different units, which is difficult to coordinate.

For the above problems, industry experts suggest that large hydropower enterprises and all kinds of societies, associations should play the role of the formation of China's hydropower enterprises technical standards system, gradually solve the hydropower technical standards by the government single supply model.

■ consulting design ability to be strengthened

Industry experts also suggested that the study of the national conditions of different regions and countries should be strengthened in the "going global" of hydropower technical standards, so as to enhance the universality and applicability of the formulation and revision of standards and facilitate the better docking and use of technical standards in the process of "going global". In addition, Chinese experts should be encouraged to actively participate in the preparation of international hydropower standards, convert Chinese standards into international standards, and incorporate new technologies and methods in the development of large-scale hydropower equipment in China in recent years to enhance the international discourse power.

Industry generally said, to enhance the level of energy industry standards internationalization and promote China's hydropower technical standard of "going out", the first thing to translate Chinese standards into high quality standard versions, the standard translation far cannot satisfy the needs of international project, need overall development, vigorously promote hydropower industry technical standards of translation work.

In addition, another effective way to promote the "going global" of hydropower technology standards is to promote the "going global" of consulting design. It is understood that China's design consulting started late, not mature, at present, consulting design passive behind the construction enterprises, lost China's hydropower technology standards from the source of promotion opportunities. To this, the expert inside course of study suggests, encourage Chinese design to consult orgnization to participate in international competition actively, establish Chinese high-end consultation company image.

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