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A brief analysis of the "three types and two networks" strategy of the ubiquitous power Internet of things and the state grid

Release Time:2019-11-22

The strategic goal proposed by state grid this year is to build "three types and two networks", which refer to "hub, platform and sharing" and "strong smart grid and ubiquitous power Internet of things".

Personally, strong smart grid is a kind of "inherit" for state grid company, after all, state grid proposed to build China's smart grid in 2007, after more than 10 years, so the industry has a more practical understanding of "strong + smart".

However, how to view the "ubiquitous power Internet of things" with the "next" meaning, and what is its relationship with "type iii"? This article does some folk unscrambled on the foundation that understands personally, improper place asks everybody reader to forgive.

I. technical significance of ubiquitous power Internet of things

As a direction of intelligent evolution of energy system, energy Internet is characterized by a large number of applications of perception, communication and control components, as well as intelligent decision-making in the cloud. The main function of ubiquitous Internet of things is to realize the function of "nervous system".

The nervous system is divided into the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system. The peripheral nervous system spreads throughout the body, connecting the skin to the gut, and the central nervous system is responsible for decision-making, coordination, and perception.

The operation, management and dispatch of the power grid is intelligentized like the central nervous system. The ubiquitous power Internet of things is similar to the "peripheral nervous system", consisting of various nerve endings "sensing, measuring and measuring", and also includes some control functions (like muscles), nerves (acquisition, transmission and communication), low-level reflex centers (edge intelligent computing) and other functions.

Ii. Business significance of ubiquitous power Internet of things

1. The two-wing strategy of the state grid

The "three types and two networks" of the state grid are part of the strategic layout of the state grid.

The first wing is in the natural monopoly link, its strategic positioning is "strong smart grid", that is, to adhere to the "transmission and distribution" network, with "transmission and distribution pricing income" as the future profit model, with "strong + intelligent" to build the core competitiveness of energy Internet enterprises.

The other wing is in the market segment of "incremental power distribution + electricity consumption", and its strategic positioning is "integrated energy service ecological platform + integrated solution provider". This wing is the direction of strategic transformation of state grid, that is, the adjustment strategy made by state grid when the profit model of natural monopoly links changes and its customers gradually turn to marketization.

To take an inappropriate example of other industries, the former postal and telecommunication service industry was divided into natural monopoly links (national postal service) and market service (express delivery + telecommunication service) in the market-oriented reform. But this example does not suit the power grid, which cannot simply separate the postal and telecommunications businesses. Therefore, it is not clear whether the future power grid will be more like EMS+ China telecom in the aspect of "integrated energy services".

What attracts me most from the above example is that if the future is integrated energy, such as "EMS express + China telecom fixed network + China telecom mobile network" integrated postal and telecommunications services, then the ubiquitous power Internet of things is a bit like the communication network of telecom for the state grid. From this perspective, there may be more interesting conclusions.

2. The order of "type iii" is different

On the side of "strong smart grid", the order of the three types is "hub type, platform type and sharing type", that is, the power grid has naturally become the core "hub" of the power supply chain. In the future, the power grid will move towards a more open "platform" and "share" more business and data to the industrial chain. This is the natural monopoly link power grid to open, inclusive business model of a strategic path.

On "comprehensive energy services" side, personally think that the order of the three type is just the other way round, namely "sharing, platform, hub" type, the first grid need to "share" their customers with all kinds of energy industry chain enterprises and grid resources (in the energy conservation, the energy supply, distributed energy, increment distribution network, etc). Then, we will carry out cooperation with the idea of "building platform ecology" to build an integrated ecological platform for energy service industry (refer to the article before the company number) and be the cultivator of platform ecology. Eventually when the platform ecological established (individual forecasts that the future may be no more than a number of domestic energy ecological platform, refer to the Internet BATJ, this is a platform based on network scale effect in competition mode), naturally became the "hub", just like ali become a matter of fact, the electronic commerce "hub".

Third, the direction of the future ubiquitous power Internet of things?

1. In the link of "strong smart grid", it is to strengthen lean and improve wisdom

The term "strong smart grid" is the construction target of "smart grid" initiated by state grid corporation of China since 2007. Its main construction fields include production (transmission network + distribution network), marketing (customer service), scheduling, security and other fields. After more than 10 years of construction, the strong smart grid has been basically formed. In the future, we need to strengthen the geographic dimension, that is, improve the automation, information and digital level in the field of medium and low voltage distribution network (including distribution platform area and below). Second, time lean means to carry out the construction of TSN(time-delay sensitive network) similar to industrial Internet (such as 5G, wireless private network, etc.), and realize highly refined data collection (increase data acquisition amount and increase collection density), from the collection and communication of steady-state data to the acquisition of transient and transient data. Third, improve intelligence, that is, enhance the big data and artificial intelligence analysis ability, support the grid more strong and intelligent.

2. In the link of "comprehensive energy service", it is the technical foundation of platform ecology

In my opinion, in the link of "local area network + low and medium voltage distribution network" at the end of electricity and near the end, the "comprehensive energy service" created by power grid enterprises is an ecological platform, and the ubiquitous power Internet of things is the technical carrier of such an ecological platform, and its role and significance are more important.

In terms of technical form, ubiquitous power Internet of things has the following three main characteristics in this link:

One is business value-driven technology applications. As a market-oriented business, the essence of integrated energy service business is to create the maximum comprehensive energy value for customers. Grid enterprises' layout of market-oriented business is necessarily value-driven in terms of technology investment (such part of investment in future market competition cannot be included in the cost of transmission and distribution). Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to make a good business strategy and business planning, what kind of business is needed and what service resources are needed to realize delivery, so as to determine what kind of power Internet of things technology is needed and to what extent.

The second is the end of the ubiquitous coverage. As at the end of the distribution power system, especially the electricity link, due to the power grid enterprise's strategic focus is not before this, in the presence of large amounts of perception gap, such as at the end of the energy consumption, energy efficiency, etc., and the end; of sensing collection of points needed to the present the growth of the order of magnitude, the overall scale may be more than its current meter number. Therefore, ubiquitous coverage towards the end of electricity and energy is the main battlefield in the future of ubiquitous electricity Internet of things.

Third, cloud-side-end intelligent coordination. The characteristics of ubiquitous power Internet of things, in addition to ubiquitous, also need to reflect the needs of the power Internet of things. For example, there is a certain scenario: in the future, in the case of spot market price fluctuation and distributed photovoltaic grid-connected output fluctuation, a part of load needs to be flexibly controlled to achieve source network load coordination. This is not just about "connecting" the device to the network, but also about making analytical decisions in the cloud, measuring and coordinating the edges, and sensing and controlling the power end.

Iv. Ubiquitous power Internet of things, from business digitalization to data operationalization

Big data is the cornerstone of artificial intelligence. Even for power grid enterprises, I think there are still a lot of data gaps in many artificial intelligence application scenarios. Therefore, the value of ubiquitous power Internet of things is to solve the problem of data gaps required by artificial intelligence in power system in the future.

Of course, the acquisition of such data has a cost, especially in the "integrated energy service side", which needs to respect the market rules and customer value. Therefore, the ubiquitous power Internet of things needs to realize two transformations:

1. Business digitization

That is, integrated energy services related business, gradually achieve ubiquitous electricity and things. Including various meters, sensors, field communication solutions, cloud communication solutions and a series of software and hardware problems. Even power grid enterprises are unlikely to carry out full collection and coverage in the field of power distribution according to the existing electricity collection and measurement mode in the future, because the input cost of this part of market-oriented business cannot be included in the cost of transmission and distribution in the future.

Therefore, it is necessary to consider how to realize the business value and complete the gradual penetration of the ubiquitous power Internet of things in the process of realizing the business value. I personally believe that this needs to go through several iterative cycles, each of which realizes a part of the customer value and completes a part of the business digitization.

2. Data business

When enough business data is accumulated, another meaning of ubiquitous power Internet of things can be realized: data operationalization, that is, mining new business value in the data and generating new business models. Information needed for business innovation can be extracted through the acquisition of ubiquitous energy, system, environment and even production process data. For example, through massive data accumulation and fault mode learning, it can predict a certain equipment failure in advance and realize predictive maintenance. When you don't have enough data and accumulated failure modes are not comprehensive enough, predictive maintenance based on artificial intelligence in a real sense is difficult to achieve.

Five, the summary

As power grid enterprises face challenges from marketization, they put forward the strategic transformation demands of "three types and two networks" and comprehensive energy services. The ubiquitous power Internet of things is one of them. Behind it lies the transformation efforts of power grid enterprises from engineering driven to customer value-driven, and finally to data-driven business.

In my opinion, power grid enterprises are in the natural monopoly of "strong smart grid", and the ubiquitous power Internet of things is more about strengthening, lean and improving intelligence, which is the further extension and improvement of the existing smart grid technology. In the marketization link of "comprehensive energy service", it is the most important means to realize the new energy ecological platformization enterprise target of "pivot, platform and sharing", which is oriented towards the large-scale energy digitization almost blank.

Such transformation and the proposal of strategic goals will exert a lot of subtle influences on the existing industries and enterprises related to the industrial chain at different macro, medium and micro levels, and may eventually drive the whole industry to transform and upgrade to the digital and intelligent direction.

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