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The world's most thermal power, hydropower, nuclear power, wind power, photoelectric, geothermal power generation

Release Time:2019-11-22

At present, the world's main power generation: thermal power generation, hydropower generation, nuclear power generation, wind power generation, solar power generation, geothermal power generation and so on. What is the largest power plant? Here are the different ways of generating electricity and their installed capacity. Where are the largest power plants in the world?

(source: WeChat public account "go out intelligence" ID: GLOBRIA)

The largest hydroelectric power plant: the three gorges dam

Hydroelectricity: the basic principle of hydroelectricity is to make use of water level drop and cooperate with hydro-generator to generate electricity, that is, to use the potential energy of water to turn into the mechanical energy of hydro-generator, and then drive the generator with mechanical energy to get electricity. Eight of the world's ten largest power plants are hydroelectric power. According to the data released by the worldwatch institute, in 2010, the installed scale of hydroelectric power has reached 850 million kilowatts, accounting for 1/5 of the total installed capacity of global power generation.

The world's largest hydroelectric power plant is China's three gorges dam, which is also the world's largest power plant. Located in yichang, hubei province, the three gorges dam is the world's largest hydropower project -- the main project of the three gorges hydropower station, the core landscape of the three gorges dam tourist area, and the eastern end of the three gorges reservoir. From 1994 formally started construction, 2003 began to store water power generation, 2009 all completed. On the left and right bank of the three gorges dam, 32 hydropower generating units with a capacity of 700,000 kw and two power stations with a capacity of 50,000 kw have been installed, with a total installed capacity of 22,500 mw.

Largest nuclear power plant: kashiwazaki-kariwa nuclear power plant

Nuclear power generation: the use of nuclear fission in a nuclear reactor to release heat energy to generate electricity. At present, nuclear power generation accounts for about 11% of the world's total. By the end of 2013, there were 435 nuclear power units in 30 countries and regions with a total installed capacity of about 375 million kw.

Kashiwazaki-kariwa nuclear power plant, located in kashiwazaki-kariwa village, niigata prefecture, Japan, has a total of 7 units and is the world's largest nuclear power plant with an installed capacity of 8,212 megawatts. But after fukushima, the kashiwazaki-kariwa plant was shut down.

Largest thermal power plant: taichung power plant

Thermal power generation: generally refers to the use of oil, coal, natural gas and other fuels burning heat to heat water, so that the water into high temperature, high pressure steam, and then by steam to drive a generator to generate electricity. Power plants fueled by coal, oil or natural gas are collectively referred to as thermal power plants.

In the world's power generation composition, thermal power has always accounted for a large proportion, since the 1990s has been maintained at more than 60%. The world's largest coal-fired power plant with installed capacity is taichung power plant in Taiwan, China; the largest gas-fired power plant is surgut power plant in Russia; and the largest oil-fired power plant is kashima power plant in Japan.

Taichung power plant is the world's largest coal-fired power plant and the largest thermal power plant, with an installed capacity of 5,780 megawatts and annual output of 25 billion KWH, accounting for one-fifth of Taiwan's electricity demand. Taichung power plant was built in 1986, adjacent to the north bank of taitouxi estuary. The plant covers an area of 277.5 hectares. It is the new haipu land reclaimed by sand pumping from taichung port.

Largest geothermal power plant: geysers geothermal field

Geothermal power generation: a new type of power generation technology which USES underground hot water and steam as power source. The basic principle is similar to that of thermal power generation, which is essentially an energy conversion process that converts underground heat energy into mechanical energy and then mechanical energy into electrical energy.

Geysers geothermal field is the largest known geothermal field in the world, located about 120 kilometers north of San Francisco, California, USA, with an area of more than 140 square kilometers. In 1988, the total installed capacity of the geothermal field power plant reached 2,043 megawatts, truly the world's first. Although the output has dropped to 1,000 megawatts, it is still the largest geothermal field, generating more than 60% of the total electricity in California's north coast.

Largest wind farm: Alta wind energy center

Wind power generation: wind power is used to drive the rotation of the windmill blade, and then the speed of rotation is increased through the speed increasing machine to promote the generator to generate electricity. With current windmill technology, a breeze of about three meters per second (the size of the breeze) can start generating electricity. Wind power includes onshore and offshore wind power.

Alta wind energy center (AWEC) is the largest wind farm in the world, with 1,020 megawatts of installed capacity. The onshore wind plant is owned and operated by terra-gen power. Expansion is now under way to bring the installed capacity of wind power plant to 1,550 mw.

Largest solar power plant: ivanpah solar power station

Solar power generation: there are two types of solar power generation: one is solar power generation (also known as solar light power generation), the other is solar thermal power generation (also known as solar thermal power generation). Solar power generation is a direct conversion of solar energy into electricity. Solar thermal power generation is the conversion of solar energy into heat energy, and then heat energy into electrical energy.

Ivanpah solar power station is the largest solar power plant in the world, located in the mojave desert on the border of California and Nevada. The solar power station is a by BrightSource energy companies in the United States, NRG energy companies and to participate in the new energy projects, Google company covers an area of about 14.2 square kilometers, which set up more than 173000 solar panels can produce 392 megawatts of electricity accounts for 30% of the total solar power the United States today, 140000 American homes near electricity to meet demand.

Largest biomass power plant: Finland Oy Alholmens Kraft biomass power plant

Biomass energy power generation: it mainly USES agricultural, forestry and industrial wastes and even municipal wastes as raw materials to generate electricity through direct combustion or gasification, including direct combustion of agricultural and forestry wastes for power generation, gasification of agricultural and forestry wastes for power generation, waste incineration for power generation, landfill gas for power generation and biogas for power generation.

Located in Finland, the Oy Alholmens Kraft bio-energy power plant is equipped with the world's largest boiler, which generates 550 mw of thermal energy, 240 mw of maximum electric energy and 160 mw of steam (available for nearby factories and residents).

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